Dear parents, the time has come to get to work! In fact, there is a committed parent behind every single photo of you covered in spaghetti or of little you attempting to hold the neighbor’s cat. No animal got hurt during these improvised photo shoots, by the way (well, hopefully).
Ok, enough with the jokes. In fact, there are so many photography tips for moms out there that you can totally use to turn the photos of your beloved child into real masterpieces. Bear in mind that the same pieces of advice can be used by diligent fathers as well.
No wonder parents are desperately trying to catch the moment, this is because, well, kids just grow too fast. And you are ready to do everything it takes to try and freeze the moment.
We have found the best photography tips for moms that will help you make beautiful photos that your children will cherish for life. Let’s start!
10 Best Photography Tips for Moms
Of course, there are some differences when it comes to taking pictures of an adult or a child. To make sure that the shots of your kid really do become precious memories, you might want to follow these photography tips:
1. Say “Look”
Don’t turn into one of those moms who always says “cheese” and “smile” to their child. It just never works. Even if you manage to get a shot of your child smiling, it won’t be a natural one. So, you don’t really need such a picture, right?
Try saying “look” instead. In such a case, you will be able to catch your child’s genuine expression. However, if you really, really want your kid to smile, you can always say something funny or make different noises to lift the child’s mood.
Want to try out something interesting and new? Then, instead of asking your child to smile, ask the little one to scream! We bet the kid would be more than happy to do that and you will be able to get cool, unique shots.
2. Make Sure to Keep the Kid Entertained
The process of taking photos should never turn into a torture for the child. If you are willing to get a shot, in which your child is posing, then make sure that he is comfortable, has a toy to play with or some snacks to nibble on.
You can always ask your kid to tell you a story, during this, you will have a chance to take a few shots. Or you yourself can attempt telling a couple of anecdotes to keep the little fellow entertained.
3. Avoid Any Distracting Elements
By that, we mean in the frame. Of course, being a parent is extremely challenging. And sometimes (practically always) it’s impossible to keep your place clean. But if there are too many elements in the frame, they can be quite distracting. Moreover, the toys laying here and there, a couple of plates and papers and food packaging can simply be annoying. Of course, you can always try and clean the whole place. But no one can give you a guarantee that once everything is tidy your kid will be in the mood for pictures.
However, there is another trick that you might want to try out. Simply zoom in. Make sure that the little fellow takes practically the entire frame. Or you can always crop the picture during the editing process.
By the way, there are times when the clutter can actually help create the right mood in the picture. So, make sure to figure out what works better for you.
4. Place the Camera at Your Child’s Eye Level
Perhaps this is the main difference between taking pictures of adults and children. Of course, the photos might turn out great even if you are standing up. But try searching for a different perspective. Crouch or even lie down on the floor. Try experimenting with your approach and you will instantly see the difference.
By the way, you might want to try and stand on a chair to get a shot from above. Your kid will look even smaller in such a case and this fact can help create a totally different mood in the picture.
5. Take a Lot of Photos and Do It Fast
Another important thing that you have to take into consideration (but you probably know that already). Kids move a lot. And that’s exactly why your photos usually turn out blurry and the child is out of focus. Here are a few things that you can do with your camera settings to ensure that you catch the priceless moments in amazing quality – make sure that you increase your shutter speed.
The professionals that take photos of children usually shoot at 1/250. However, you can always try and switch to 1/500, if your beloved child is a real energizer. To make things a bit easier you can always choose the ‘sports’ mode.
By the way, a continuous shooting mode is great for freezing the moment. Sometimes the best option is to take as many photos as your camera (and memory card) possibly can. You can always delete thousands of those later.
6. Try BFF
No, we don’t mean your ‘best friend forever’ here.
BFF is ‘back button focusing’. Usually, you push the button only halfway, wait for the thing to focus and only then push the shutter release button all the way. However, it just takes too long. And when it comes to children, a photographer has to be fast. There is (in a lot of camera models) a button at the back of the camera. It activates a ‘focusing regime’ and it will become a little easier for you to take action shots, for example.
7. Get out of the Child’s Space
Of course, the kid’s behavior will change as soon as he realizes that you are taking pictures. When it comes to parents that are photographers, they have to be real ninjas. Sneak on your child when he’s not expecting. We promise that you will be able to get the best shots.
However, if you feel like you need some time to get the shot right, make sure to leave enough space for the child. Basically, you shouldn’t go pointing the lens right into the little guy’s face. Sometimes it might even be better to back up a bit and use the zoom. This way you will be able to get a natural shot.
8. Have Your Camera Ready. Always!
When something funny or cute happens, you always wish you have had your camera with you, right?
Of course, you can try and carry your equipment around. But if you feel like you need to take that the picture and there is no professional camera around, make sure you do snap the shot at least on your phone camera. Just remember to follow the same rules – use the burst mode and get the child in the right part of the frame.
When it comes to your house, you might want to try and keep your camera somewhere ‘in the middle’. On a table in the living room, for example. So you don’t end up running to a shelf in your bedroom every time you feel like you want to take a shot. If you are tired of a robust DSLR, maybe you can later replace it with a mirrorless camera because they consume less space but still produce amazing pictures.
Related: 5 Reasons Why Some Phone Cameras Are Better Than A DSLR Camera
9. Document Different Memories
Don’t photograph your child only when he’s happy. Parents tend to take pictures of birthdays, trips to the zoo and all the other events that are considered to be ‘cheerful’. But mothers and fathers rarely reach towards their camera, when the child is grumpy or upset.
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Of course, it might seem strange, if you start taking pictures of the kid as soon as he starts crying. But it would be great if you had at least a shot or two of your beloved child in absolutely different moods. Life is not only about smiles and laughter, this is also why it is normal to document the other parts of it as well.
10. Get in the Frame
Don’t be afraid to get in that frame. Sometimes there might be no one around who can take a photo of you and your kid. Don’t wait for the right ‘victim’ to show up, you can arrange the setup all on your own.
You can use a tripod or simply place your camera on the table; turn on the self-timer. You might even want to invest in a remote so that you have full control over the process. Do something together with your child, document the genuine emotions and we promise that even if the composition is ‘wrong’, you are still going to love the shot.
These were our 10 best photography tips for moms (and dads!).
Of course, having albums that you can later on flick through is amazing. However, make sure to remember to not only document the moment but to also be present in it. After all, your child might not even care about these pictures, because your attention and love are the only things that really matter in the end.
Related: How Do You Take Newborn Pictures Like A Professional