When it comes to being a wedding photographer, it is not only the final result that matters. The bride and groom are letting you become part of their special day and that means that you are going to be spending a lot of time with them and the rest of the guests.
We all know that even the slightest inconvenience can ruin the whole impression of the wedding. What you can do, as a photographer, is to make sure that everything goes perfectly well from your side and that includes…your clothes.
So, what should a photographer wear to a wedding? What clothes a photographer is going to wear to the wedding mostly depends on the wedding type. For male photographers, a dress shirt and trousers are usually the safest option and for female photographers overall going with a comfy jumpsuit is the best option. Wearing appropriate clothes at the wedding as a photographer is extremely important for your photography brand. A wedding is a place where a photographer can attract potential clients and the first impression is going to be established through your clothes.
Before we discuss in detail styles and colors that you should consider for a wedding we have presented you a dress code rules for a wedding photographer. Be sure to go through it carefully as they are very important.
Always remember that every photoshoot is an opportunity to give more publicity to your growing brand. On every photoshoot, you are going to meet new people or clients, especially at weddings. Looking good and professional is certainly going to help you attract them to you. So let’s start!
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Dress Code Rules for a Wedding Photographer
Before mentioning the actual pieces of clothing that you can choose to wear, we decided to go through some important dress code rules that every single photographer has to know and follow.
Wear Comfortable Clothes and Shoes

Wedding photographers tend to run around, climb different constructions, and lie on the ground, in order to get the best possible shot. Doing all that in a super long dress or a tight pair of trousers is not the ideal option, right?
Of course, you have to feel comfortable in your clothes. So, make sure that they are the right size and are not restricting your movements in any way.
At the same time, don’t go for baggy clothes as they don’t look professional. Female photographers should opt for a knee-length dress (in case you decide to wear one), in order to avoid unpleasant incidents.
Comfortable shoes cannot be overestimated. Invest in a good-quality pair. Regular formal shoes might not be the best option. Go for a pair of flats (heels are a really bad idea), but do not wear flip-flops or sandals. Also, try to avoid sneakers, if that’s possible (after all, you are attending a wedding).
Always remember that you are going to be spending 8-12 hours wearing this pair of shoes. However, above all, your choice has to depend on the wedding’s theme. If it is a casual beach celebration, then even sandals would do but only in that case.
Do Not Stand Out
Always remember that you are not a guest. In fact, you are at work. That’s exactly why it’s incredibly important to look professional. You should not attract attention. That means no crazy colors and patterns. Remember that you can end up appearing in the videographer’s shot.
Go for neutral colors like beige, gray, cream, or the all-time classic – black. White can also work well. If you are working with a partner, a white shirt can sometimes act as a reflector! However, female photographers are advised to choose another neutral color as white is usually for the bride only.
Look Your Best

Yes, you should try and blend in with the background but that does not mean that you have to look bad. In fact, a messy photographer is one of the worst things that can happen to a wedding.
You are a professional who wants to make a good impression, that’s why a wrinkly shirt and stained pants are a taboo. Try to get a good sleep the night before, so that you look well-rested and fresh (your face is just as important as your clothes).
Obviously, dark colors are more practical. So, if you are planning on stepping in puddles and lying in the field to get that perfect shot – go for black or brown as the stains and dirt won’t be that obvious.
Ask the Couple When in Doubt
There is nothing to be ashamed of if you decide to ask the bride and the groom about the best clothing option for their wedding. You can come up with a questionnaire and ask the couple to fill it in.
What you want to figure out is whether the wedding will be casual, semi-formal or formal. Make sure to let your clients know what each of those terms means to you (with examples of clothing, if possible).
It is recommended to consult the couple, especially if there are religious or cultural requirements for the attire. You might need to wear something to cover your hair, for example. Moreover, some colors can have different meanings in various cultures.
There are cases when white might symbolize death. You wouldn’t want to show up in a white shirt to such a wedding, right?
Summer Time Can Be Tricky

Sunscreen is incredibly important and not only during summer. After all, the chances are high that you are going to be spending quite a few hours outside. So, make sure to protect your skin.
Wedding photographer outfits can be tricky. Especially, during summertime. No matter how hot it gets, you will still have to run around. Your clothes should be comfortable and the materials have to be light and breathable.
Light cotton is usually the best option. Be smart, when it comes to the colors of your outfit. During hot summer days, go for lighter hues. By the way, don’t forget about an accessory for your head (if you want to avoid heatstroke).
Add a Personal Touch
When you are working as a wedding photographer, you are not exactly representing yourself as a person. You are showing off your own brand. That’s why looking professional is extra important.
Not only your actual clients should like the way you look, always bear in mind that the wedding guests might also be looking for a photographer that they could hire in the future. Where will these people get their first impression about you? That’s right. From your clothes.
Of course, you would also want to make sure that you actually look like a photographer. So that everyone can see that you’re not a guest and not part of the staff.
If there is something unique about your personal brand, you can totally incorporate that into your outfit (as long as it is appropriate). In most cases, you can spice up your outfit with the help of accessories. But remember – you should not become the center of attention.
Related: Photography Business: How to Get More Wedding Photography Bookings
What Should a Male Photographer Wear to a Wedding?

Now that you are familiar with the most important dress code rules, we can proceed to name some actual clothing items that you can wear as a wedding photographer.
If you are a male photographer, don’t wear a T-shirt, baggy clothing, or shorts. Of course, some couples might be going for a fun, casual wedding. Only in such a case, shorts and flip-flops may do the job (but it is always better to consult the clients).
Usually, a dress shirt is the safest option. Darker colors are preferable, but beige, gray, or white can be great as well. If you are attending a formal wedding, you might be required to wear a button-up, dress pants, a jacket, and maybe even a tie.
As a rule of thumb, make sure that the clothes are well-fitted, but not very tight. Clothes that are clean and have the right fit will make you look professional.
What Should a Female Photographer Wear to a Wedding?

The choice for female photographers might be a bit more tricky. You can go for dark colors, to ensure that you don’t stand out too much. If you choose to wear a dress or a skirt, make sure that it is long enough, so that you can freely do whatever your job requires you to do.
If the dress code allows, you can consider wearing a comfy jumpsuit. Overalls are comfortable, look stylish, and you wouldn’t need to think about flashing any part of your body, if the wind gets too strong, for example.
Avoid bright colors and prints, low cuts, jeans, high heels, and white dresses. Sometimes it is better to go for a shirt and trousers, instead of a white dress. The pockets can come in handy, as you will be able to hide some spare cards and lens caps.
One last important point when it comes to choosing what to wear to a wedding as a photographer. Prepare your outfit in advance! There is nothing worse than trying to come up with a look an hour before the actual ceremony.
You might forget to take care of small but crucial detail (like the color of your underwear, for example). Moreover, the outfits that have been combined in a rush might end up being very uncomfortable. In such a case, you won’t be able to take the best pictures possible and that is the worst-case scenario, right?

Even though we like to think that clothes are not the thing that determines our personality, if you are a wedding photographer, your outfit can affect your whole career.
We really hope you managed to understand with our guide how to look professional and sharp. The chances are high that a lot of guests will end up asking the bride and groom for your contacts, even before you manage to deliver the actual photos of the wedding. This is why dressing is very important for a photographer as well.
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